The function of database restore is important when user needs to recover back their information either corrupt or mistake that being done.
Now i will show you the steps for doing restore database at different version:
How to restore UBS database file? (Version 9.2)
6. Periodic –> 8. Restore –> Select the diskette drive to that contain your backup file "if your backup file at local C drive, backup folder" then choose C drive follow by the folder --> Click Restore –> Type RESTORE at the empty box --> Click Restore –> Click Yes.
Remark: When you restore, it will overwrite the existing information.
How to restore UBS database file? (Version9.3)
0. File --> 1. Backup and Restore --> 2. Restore --> Select the diskette drive to that contain your backup file "if your backup file at local C drive, backup folder" then choose C drive follow by the folder --> Click Restore –> Type RESTORE at the empty box --> Click Restore –> Click Yes.
Remark: When you restore, it will overwrite the existing information.
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