This statement follows the announcement made by Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, during the Budget 2014 speech on 25th October 2013. GST for Malaysia has been confirmed and is to be enforced on 1st April 2015 .Sage acknowledges the announcement and would like to provide the following response to matters that relate to the impact of GST on our customers and products in Malaysia.
The implementation of GST can have an impact on business processes, practices as well as documentation. Those who have business automation with products from Sage can expect some changes to optimize their operations and to be compliant to GST. The Royal Malaysia Customs should be providing more detailed specifications and requirements soon, of which Sage will further study and work closely with the government to ease the process for our customers and the SME market as a whole in the adoption of GST.
Based on the many years of experience from our sister companies around the world that have implemented GST/VAT, Sage believes in a total approach versus a piecemeal solution. In anticipation of the possible implementation of GST for Malaysia, Sage has developed a program for all of our customers and any other businesses that would like to be compliant. Compliance can be achieved through a simple, easy and affordable program. We will be sharing this within the next few weeks for the benefit of everyone.
Stay tuned to this website as we will bring in more information very soon.
Sage 与马来西亚商品服务税
马来西亚首相拿督斯里纳吉于 2013 年 10 月 25 日在国会所公布的2014年度财政预算案里,对马来西亚将在 2015 年 4 月 1 日实施商品服务税的说法提供了进一步的声明。SAGE 公司在确认有关声明的同时,也即时针对我们在马来西亚的相关产品因商品服务税的影响,为我们的广大客户提供下列讯息:
。商品服务税的实施可对业务流程、操作手法以及文档要求产生一定的影响。对于使用 SAGE 商业自动化产品的用户,他们可以通过优化产品的运作,以配合政府所作出的商品服务税规格进行调整。马来西亚关税局将提供更进一步的详情,而我们将会透过和该部门的紧密合作,为我们的客户以及中小企业市场在适应商品服务税的同时提供适当的援助。
。 基于我们在世界各地针对实施商品服务税 (增值税或 VAT)所累积的多年经验,我们认为必须依据各个问题提供相应的解决方案。在马来西亚政府将在 2015 年 4 月 1 日实施商品服务税的前提下,SAGE 已经制定了一系列的计划,以便为我们的客户以及中小企业市场提供与商品服务税能相互兼容的解决方案。客户们可以通过这些简单、方便又实惠的方案,从而达到兼容商品服务税的目的。我们将会在未来几周内对外公布更进一步的详情。
* For enquiry or more details, please call 03-91722228. For more detail please visit