Sage UBS Payroll version Changes
The following enhancements are being released:
Enhancement: Program Pengekalan Pekerjaan (ERP) and Program Subsidi Upah (PSU) Excel File Generation
Program Pengekalan Pekerjaan (ERP) is an immediate financial assistance provided for employees who have been instructed to take no paid leave by their employer who are economically affected by Covid-19 pandemic.
Program Subsidi Upah (PSU) is to help employers to continue operating the company and preventing employee from losing their job due to cause of the revenue which affected by Covid-19 pandemic.
In Sage Payroll, we had updated an application for you to view as reference whoever eligible to the program and also generate the excel report respectively as each of submission.
To access the application, go to Miscellaneous > External Application > A106. ERP and PSU Excel Report
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reply back to below information, I will be able to assist you further.
Mobile : 011-10161636