Malaysia Statutory Update
Revise Employee Count Formula on CP8 report
- Revise formulas for employee count as below Income Tax report CP8 (E-FORM) Page 3 as per advised by LHDN officers:
1) Increase A3 New Employee Count by 1, whenever there's a newcomer to the business
2) Increase A4 Resigned / Terminated/Deceased Employee Count by 1, whenever and employee has ceased employment / died
3) Conditions i and i apply regardless of how many times the same employee enters and exists the business in the same year.
4) To add count to both A3 and A4 in the CP8 report for the employee that enter and exists the business in the same year, set Employee > Employee details > Employment Info tab > Employment Status Info section For Year field = Joined & Resigned This Year.
Bank Files Update
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