Saturday, March 22, 2014

UBS Update: Sage UBS are now GST Compliant


Sage UBS are now GST Compliant!!

Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM) has included Sage Software in the list of supplier for GST Accounting software for SMEs. The products that qualify for application of GST software grant are Sage UBS Accounting and Sage POS.

The government has announced that GST will be implemented on 1st April 2015. Businesses with an annual revenue of more than RM500,000 will need to register for and comply with GST. As a business software provider, our objective is to help our customers and small businesses in general to comply with GST regulations. Failure to comply can lead to penalties, fines and possible jail terms.

For upgrading software to GST Compliant Software & new purchase; please call 03-91722228. For more detail please visit


Unknown said...

what is pricing for UBS with GST

AmazingCosec said...

I'm business advisor. One of my client's freelance account suggests to change to SQL as she said UBS 'got' problem for GST. Something can't print etc.

I doubt but not able to advise my client.