Version Release date: 27th February 2015
Landing page
a) After logout from landing page, page will be returning to login screen instead of exiting system.b) List view of company
CDAC, Eurasian Association, SINDA (For Singapore Edition only)
a) CDAC, ECF and SINDA are calculated using gross pay, including Basic rate, Allowances, Commission, Bonus, OT Pay, etc.b) In the case of more than one payment (1st half > 2nd half > Bonus > Commission) for the month, the deduction amount always use total deduction minus deduction already paid out in the previous payment.
e.g. 1st half > 2nd half > Bonus > Commission
CDAC, ECF, SINDA of 2nd half = Total contribution (1st + 2nd half) – contribution already paid out in 1st half
CDAC, ECF, SINDA of Bonus = Total contribution (1st + 2nd half + Bonus) – contribution already paid out in 1st and 2nd half
Version Release date: 26th January 2015
PCB 2015
The PCB for Returning Expert Program and Knowledge Worker is now updated to the latest formula.Manage user
In version – , the user management screen was disabled for maintenance purpose. Now this function is made available.CDAC, Eurasian Association, SINDA
Individual monthly contribution rate to CDAC Fund, ECF and SINDA fund has been updated.Version Release date: 14th January 2015
Sage Payroll 2015
Installation Sage Payroll 2015 installation includes installation of Sage Payroll 2015 and Sage HRMS. System will auto create data folder in Sage HRMS for every existing company found in Sage Puayroll.
New Landing Page
After login to the system, you will come to new landing page, you can : o Access the company
o Create New Company
o Edit Company Logo, directory folder
o Delete Company
o Manage License
o Manage User in Control Panel
o Select company to enter Payroll or HRMS module.
Important notes:
1. For Windows 8, sometimes it will block the system from updating the company list causing no company listed in the landing page. So, when 1st time login, if system is unable to update the company table, system will prompt the below message. You must run the steps mentioned in this message for 1 time.2. If previously you have both Payroll and HRMS, but you did not link the data folders, by default, system will only show all companies in your Payroll system, you will need to manually link the data folders by clicking the icon
New Simplified Interface (For Malaysia edition only)
In Sage Payroll 2015, you will have to option to switch to the new simplified interface with :o Guided processing flow for 1st half pay, 2nd half pay, Commission and Bonus
o End to end process from add pay, process pay, print payment reports to month end process in a centralized menu
o Reprocess pay function without deleting previous pay
o View calculation breakdown for EPF, SOCSO and PCB
o Employee listing with alphabetical, gender & status grouping
PCB 2015
a) Income Tax for Resident Individual- Individual income tax rate will be reduced by 1 to 3 percentage points.
- Individual income tax will be restructured whereby the chargeable income subject to the maximum rate will be increase from exceeding RM100,000 to exceeding RM400,000.
- The maximum tax rate for year 2014 at 26% will be reduced to 24%, 24.5% and 25%.
b) Income Tax for Non - Resident Individual
- Non – resident individuals’ income tax rate would be reduced by 1% from 26% to 25%.
c) Increase in Deduction for Medical Expenses Incurred For Serious Diseases
- The deduction for medical expenses incurred for serious disease be increased to RM6,000.
d) Increase in Deduction For Disable Child
- The deduction be increased to RM6,000.
e) Increase in Deduction For Purchase Of Basic Supporting Equipment For The Disabled
- The deduction be increased to RM6,000.
Important notes:
Due to the latest MTD calculation using computerized calculation for 2015 is only announced on 06/01/2015, thus, the PCB for Returning Expert Program and Knowledge Worker will be remained as 15% as for now.The formula will be updated accordingly in the next online update.
CPF Contribution Rate Change (For Singapore)
CPF contribution rates are increased from 1 January 2015:a) Increase in Employer’s CPF Contribution Rates For employees aged 50 years and below or above 65 years, the employer contribution rates are increased by 1 percentage point. For employees aged above 50 to 55 years or above 55 to 65 years, the employer contribution rates are increased by 2 and 1.5 percentage points respectively.
b) Increase in Employee’s CPF Contribution Rates For employees aged above 50 to 55 years, the employee contribution rates are increased by 0.5 percentage point. For those earning wages of >$500 to <$750, the contribution rates continue to be phased-in. The increase in CPF contribution is allocated to the Ordinary Account.
The increase in the CPF contribution rates does not apply to graduated employer and employee rates for first or second year Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) and their employers. From 2015, the CPF Annual Limit is increased to $31,450. The Ordinary Wage Ceiling remains unchanged.
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